Združenje izdelovalcev zgornjesavinjskega želodca

Sensory evaluation regulation

The Association of Upper-Savinja Valley Želodec Producers organizes a sensory evaluation of želodec every year in May.

A committee evaluates the following criteria: external appearance, appearance and colour of the cut, texture, fragrance and taste./p>

The committee’s evaluation promotes the education of producers, improving the quality and motivation for želodec production.


The following characteristics of the product are annually evaluated according to precise rules:

  • External appearance - 0 to 2 Points
  • Appearance and colour of the cut - 0 to 5 Points
  • Texture - 0 to 4 Points
  • Smell - 0 to 3 Points
  • Taste - 0 to 6 Points.

The maximum possible score is therefore 20 points.


Products with a minimum of 16 points are issued a certificate of good quality.



Združenje izdelovalcev zgornjesavinjskega želodca
Rečica ob Savinji 55
3332 Rečica ob Savinji

P: +386 51 368 072
W: www.zgornjesavinjski-zelodci.si
E: zelodci@gmail.com


Združenje izdelovalcev zgornjesavinjskega želodca

Rečica 55, 3332 Rečica ob Savinji

T: 051 368 072, E: zelodci@gmail.com

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